Going on vacation soon and don't know what to do with your Aqualine water filter? A water filter needs attention, even if you're temporarily not using it. Stagnant water and heat can lead to bacterial growth or green deposits during your absence. The right steps will ensure that your filter stays in top condition, ready for immediate use when you return. Here's exactly what to do.
Short vacation (a few days)
If you will only be away for a few days to a maximum of 1 week, preparation is simple. Leave the bottom tank of your water filter filled with water and put the system in a dark, cool place, this way you can prevent algae formation. Consider a kitchen cabinet or a room where it does not get too hot. Some of the mineral stones and the Cormac ring are impregnated with silver to prevent bacterial growth. Upon returning home, you only need to change the water and flush the system.
Tip: Check out these customers' creative solutions to prevent algae formation!
Long vacation (longer than 1 week)
Are you going away for longer? Then a more thorough approach is needed to keep your water filter in good condition. Follow these steps:
- Cleaning: Take the system completely apart and clean the parts. Rinse the lower tank thoroughly with lukewarm water and a little soda vinegar or baking soda if necessary. Be sure to remove all visible deposits.
- Drying: Allow the inside of the lower tank to dry completely. This will prevent mold or deposits from developing during your absence.
- Parts storage:
- The multi-step filter must be kept moist to prevent dehydration and bacterial growth. Put it in a sealed plastic bag and store it in the refrigerator.
- You can let the ceramic filter and mineral stones or Cormac ring dry on a piece of kitchen paper. These may even be left in the sun to dry thoroughly.
- Ventilate: Leave the tank and other parts open to allow air to circulate. This prevents unpleasant odors and bacterial growth.
What to do upon returning home?
When you return from vacation, of course you want your water filter to work properly again right away. Follow these steps to get your system ready to use again:
- Mineral stones: Place the stones in boiling water for an hour to remove any bacteria and residue.
- Multi-step filter: Place the filter horizontally in a container of cold water for 10 minutes. Turn the filter periodically and move it slightly to release any air bubbles.
- PH ring or Cormac ring: Rinse these parts well under running water.
- System assembly: Assemble all parts and flush the system once with fresh water. This will ensure that everything is clean and ready to use.
Why is preparation important?
A properly maintained water filter provides clean and healthy drinking water, but without proper preparation, stagnant water can cause bacterial growth or green deposits. Whether you go on vacation for a few days or longer, proper preparation will keep your water filter clean and ready to use. Upon returning home, remember to thoroughly flush your system and clean the components as described.
If you have any questions, you can always contact us. We will be happy to help you get the most out of your water filter. That way you can enjoy your vacation and clean drinking water when you get home!